Thanksgiving: A Turkey's Revenge

This message brought to you by the letters T and E, the number 2, and the Children's Television Network. (Additional funding provided by the Coalition Of Turkeys Against Elmo, and Citizens For Mr. Noodle.)
(The Surgeon General reminds you that a lack of alcoholic beverages combined with elevated hormone levels during the winter months can result in decreased blood flow to the brain. Please, don't Photoshop while pregnant.)
(Happy Thanksgiving!)
Thanks for the laugh...
thank you, the photo of an elmo consumed by a wonderbaby is delightfully disturbing.
LOL - Is it sick that we all think a baby eating elmo is funny?
Thankyou so much! I needed that.
The picture of Wonderbaby eating Elmo? Priceless.
And to you too, your royal Badness.
Totally awesome.
Ha! I say, eat Xmas cookies instead. More ethical, obviously, and more buttery, too.
he he he
i love mr. noodle.
LOL, that was great!
Will try to personally make up for alcohol you can't consume, these winter months.
DO NOT WANT!!! heh....too funny
Ditto what Karen said.
Using My Words
"Citizens for Mr. Noodle"-Ha! And don't forget Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle! lol I love Sesame Street. And lolturkey!
You did that without alcohol? I'm very impressed :)
Suddenly Bjork looked right sophisticated in that swan suit.
This was awesome C. Hope you're feeling perky enough to have enjoyed some turkey, even if you probably did your weird Canadian Thanksgiving a month ago.
That picture of WinderBaby eating Elmo is awesome! Thanks for the laugh!
HBM: Good laughs and thank you for the warning about not photoshopping while pregnant. I'll tell my friends.
I just wanted to let you know that I finally managed to send off the package. That it should arrive at its destination in 2 to 3 weeks (if all goes well) and that it's tube shaped. You might want to warn the interested party that she should expect an oddly shaped parcel in the mail. I'm sort of afraid that she'll say, wot, for me from someone I don't know? Don't want.
This is too cute. Thanks for the laugh!!
I know this is old ... but it did my heart good to see joy in yours just before you got the test results. Remember that, C, cling to that.
It will come again.
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