This Old House
Our house, after nearly three years of residency, two years of husband-initiated
It's about time, seeing as we take possession of the new home in five weeks. There was no stress involved in this process, none at all.
This is our house:

Soon it will be our old house (that is, it will be our former house; it's already old, circa 1880's old); the house has been on the market for, oh, about an hour now and there are already viewings scheduled.
So, if you've been wanting to come visit me, and you want the old school HBM experience, the one with the tour of The Spot Where I Went Into Labor and The Spot Where Wonderbaby Took Her First Nap and The Spot Where Wonderbaby Took Her Last Nap and The Toilet That Has Cradled HBM Lo These Many Weeks and The Bathroom That Almost Wasn't, then you'd better come soon.
We won't be here very long. Our hearts will likely linger, a moment or two or maybe longer, and our hearts will always look back, but we - we will have moved on. Happily.
You just made me wistful for the house I live in - a house I dream about moving out of one day.
The spot I was standing when my water broke, the spot where I fed Papoosie Girl the day we brought her home New Year's Eve.
I can see that no matter how happy you are to move and how much you want it, there will always be memories tying you to this house.
Best of luck with your move.
Congratulations on the end of the renovations and the listing. Hopefully we won't be too far behind you, although I know that we, too, will be sad to leave. New happy memories though ahead, wherever you may be...
I can't believe you are doing all of this in your first trimester. Although, given where you live, I'm certain your house will sell in mere days, hours even.
Bravo! You are a strong woman.
Wow, it won't be long now til you are posting photo's of a new house!
I know. And you have parking and that totally rocks.
But I will miss sighting you from my treadmill and pressing my sweatiness up to you as you go to the market.
Congratulations. May there be a huge bidding war.
Nice house... should go quickly!
You're moving to a nicer one though, I'm sure. Where there will be more great memories with wonderbaby and baby #2.
Good luck with the sale and move!
It is really lovely, C
What about the spot where the wild MBT blogger chicks parked the world's largest biofuel vehicle and plotted their path to world domination - is that on the tour?
Oh good luck with the sale! Hope it happens quickly and stress-free...
As much as I long for a day we can move to a new house, there are a lot of really special memories in this house my baby first called home *sigh*
Best of luck! I'm sure there will people lining up.
Hope you've got a lawn mower for the new place!
Nice mums.
WE live in an elderly hovel, and it's funny to think about selling it someday, about other people living in MY house. Good luck.
Great curb-side appeal! It'll sell like nobody's business.
HBM- what's the mls #? I am looking in your general area (if you live where I think you do) and your place is adorable!
Cute! Good luck with the sale, may you do well.
I seem to vaguely remember a post about moving, but don't know where you are going. You are staying in TOronto, yes?
That's an adorable home! And if only we lived closer, I'd be ALL OVER THAT. Because? This Momma and her growing brood need some SPACE.
Good luck with the sale!
Katherine - send me an e-mail and I'll forward the mls to you (don't want to publish it because it has our address, and, you know, I don't want Motherbumper stalking me ;))
We just sold our place in the spring - it is a tremendous feeling of "thank all the gods there are" when you finally get the fixups done and list the damn thing.
Good luck with the viewings. And the packing. I echo everyone else here when I say I can't believe you're doing this while in the first trimester. And blogging every day, to boot. ;)
Love that cute porch!
If you're like me, you'll miss it deeply when you see pictures of it, but your new house looks and sounds fabulous- I'm sure it'll feel like home in no time. Good luck with the sale.
Ah, how I'd love to get the tour.
Good for you having showings already. That's great!
It's bittersweet, moving, isn't it?
Good luck.
Congratulations! That is phenominal. I hope ours goes this quick-yeah right!
Hope it sells quickly for you. I just moved, so I dig all these feelings. My heart lingered a moment or two, but then followed over to the new address!
How lovely! I'm moving soon, too and it feels so bittersweet.
That is a lovely house! I hope everything works out for you and you sell quickly. I only just found your blog, I think I've gotten it mixed up with Karen MEG's a few times. Now I must go back and explore your archives. Find out about that bathroom :)
Congrats on wrapping things up. Now you all can come down and vacation in Florida. My husband needs the help to finish up our three year renovation.
I hope the home sells quickly and trouble free!
I have tender memories of the toilet that got me through my nine months.
Now you'll have a whole new one to initiate.
Thanks for a moving post, one of many that inspired me to tag you -
I think in tours, you may want to leave out the toilet thing. Just sayin. Wouldn't want to scare anyone away.
I hope it sells fast. It really is a cute house.
We had an awful time trying to sell a house a year ago. I so have no desire to ever do that again.
I wish you much luck, lady!
Oh so neat to see this. I don't remember such a cutie in TO among the road I've trod there. No doubt a quick sale awaits. You're lucky you'll go far occasionally I feel weird about our neighbours (who bought our house earlier this year) ever finding out I 'put their house on the Internet'.
Aww, how sweet.
And best wishes!
It's always strange and sad, leaving a place that has become a home, no matter how good the things ahead. I kind of miss our old place when we go there, still.
Good luck my dear. Bossy is sure some of your fabulousness spilled out into the house.
hey! that place is super cute!
As much as I look forward to moving as well.. this house.. it will always be home. No matter who lives here. We had wanted to rent this house out.. and I'm not quite sure if I could handle that. I would freak out all over someone not doing things the way I want them done.
And I remember the pic of the new house.. kinda hard not to be excited about that though. It's just gorgeous.
Good luck with the sale. I'm told that's the most stressful part of it all.
My husband and I are house-hunting in Toronto right now, and if our experience is any indication, your house is going to sell over asking price in a matter of days. I might have to drop you an email, too, for the mls#--it is awfully cute.
I'm having trouble finding your email address, so scratch that part about me emailing you.
are you living in a constant state of ohmygodihavetokeepthisplacetidyallthetimedon'tgetanytoysout?
Kate: email is
Congratulations on getting your house on the market and best wishes that it sells quickly!!
You know what, HBM, I kept thinking to myself, "It is probably something like herbadmother at gmail" but then I would think, "YES, BUT WHAT IF IT IS NOT? Then I'd be mailing some other self-proclaimed bad mother to ask creepy questions about her house." And that is just weird.
former homes have great memories, even when you're ready to leave them
Beautiful home I'm sure it'll go quickly. You're really not leaving the memories behind just the place they lived.
It's a sad feeling, but it'll be filled with the new memories you'll make.
I love your blog.
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