There's Something About WonderBaby
WonderBaby did her own hair today:

As she is wont to do:

This look is achieved through the application of her custom blend of liquid hand soap and drool (var. apple juice and snot). A strange concoction, but effective, and vastly preferable to other forms of hair gel.

Any resemblance between WonderBaby and fictional characters from Farrelly Brothers comedies is purely coincidental.
I've been a very poor blog citizen (blogizen?) for the past week and half or so, what with illness and all, and I'm afraid that my lackluster participation in the blogosphere will remain such for a few days yet, as WonderBaby and I explore the western colonies. But the show will go on chez HBM - there's going to be a little dirty burlesque action from a crack team of guest performers while WonderBaby and I are gone, and it'll be worth checking out.
And check out MBT - lots of good bloggy action there. And the Basement, too - head over for a visit, or submit a post ('s quiet 'round there) and liven things up a bit.
(EDITED TO ADD: And things did indeed just get livened up in the Basement.)
Lots to do. You'll hardly notice that we're gone.
Hey, WonderBaby knows how to work it. She's got her own style.
That's hysterical!
My son's best 'dos are usually the result of banana and pancake syrup.
Wonder Baby looks gawgeous!
Oh, the pressure! The pressure!
Okay, so remember how you told me just to show my tits? And the picture I got in my mind was of the withered old lady in that movie.
Scratch that idea. Moving on to Plan B.
You have a great eye!
Best wishes
Go Wonderbaby! Stylin'
LOVE the updo. It suits her.
I *almost* submitted my latest post to your basement, but I must have been drunk and accidentally pushed the submit button on my own blog.
She's the queen of style. Hey, I'm allowed to miss you. But have fun.
Great 'do'.
Hahaha!! See you when you get back!
enjoy the Western Colonies - it doesn't rain here all the time. Really. No, seriously.
But the rain will definitely have an effect on Wonder Baby's styling techniques :)
Don't be so sure. We'll notice.
Best hair i've seen in weeks, around here it's all boogers and toothpaste.
I hope you're taking those hairstyles on tour. It would be a shame to hide that under a hat.
Enjoy your trip!
Great hair - the one spike reminds me, very sweetly, of an antenna.
I think not.
Off too see the burlesque show.
Have a great trip!
Love the look.
You may have already seen this but in the small world category:
Parent Dish yesterday.
There IS something about WonderBaby, Cameron Diaz/Mary aside.
She has more character in that face of hers...
She's really so enchanting.
Robert usually chooses Jelly or Spaghetti for his hair... I will have to suggest he try these alternatives.
WonderBaby looks too pointers by WonderBaby....
Your absence will SO be noticed! Feel better too, will ya?
awww wonderbaby is soo cute!feel better soon HBM LAVENDULA
LOVE THE HAIR! It's sooooo Maddox-Jolie-Pitt! Trendy! ;)
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