To Jasper, On His First Birthday
How, my love, did we get from here...

... to here?
It is not possible that it has only been one year. It feels as though you have been in my heart forever, my dirty-faced little monkey boy, my chunkster, my Jib. It feels as though I've loved you for an eternity.
I have, and I will.
Happy birthday, little man.
You are consistently good at making adorable babies.
Happy Birthday beautiful boy, and happy birthday to you too momma - it was just as much your day one year ago as it was his! :)
That is so sweet! Happy Birthday to sweet baby Jasper! =)
It was my daughter's second birthday this week and my head almost exploded with the impossibility that two years have passed since I birthed her.
Happy Birthday to your adorable little boy!
It's the dirty faces that make them so endearing sometimes. ;-)
It goes so fast.
Happy Birthday to your gorgeous son! It is amazing how fast they go from new baby to teeny tiny toddler.
that is really sweet:)
What a gorgeous little thing he has turned out to be.
I also find it not possible that he has been here one year. Or maybe it's just that your pregnancy seemed like 20?
Okay, so he just made my heart melt into a tiny little puddle. Much like the chocolate (I hope it's chocolate) on his face.
You've got some marvelous genes there, girl.
Happy birthday gorgeous little guy. Ah, if only we could give them something to make them slow down already!
Happy birthday little man! Times flies when your having fun and loving a precious baby! Hope he has a spectacular birthday!
Happy Birthday, Jasper...may the upcoming year bring you yummies and hugs and laughs, good times and rock and roll, little man!
With your mom? I'm sure it's guaranteed.
Happy Birthday Jasper! Catherine you have one sweet adorable little boy there!
Happy birthday to Jasper! What a gorgeous little creature he is, just like his big sister. You really have wonderful children.
Gorgeous, as usual -- Happy Birthday, to the both of you!
Holy Crow! where has the year gone?
Happy Birthday to Jasper. I wish him lots of cake.
happy birthday, gorgeous!!!
He's so beautiful. Happy Birthday Jasper!!!
What a gorgeous little guy--happy birthday! :)
Happy birthday, Jasper!
That is exactly what I needed on this horrid Monday morning. Thanks for the precious.
Happy Birth Day to both of you. He is growing into a beautiful little boy.
Oh, he is GORGEOUS.
Happy Birthday to him!
jack just turned a year old recently and i was both grateful and devastated! so bittersweet this growing up business!
Happy Birthday, Jasper!
Happy Birthday Jasper.
He was born on my due date - and two days after my son was actually born. May babies rock!
I can't believe it's been a whole year. I guess that means it's been over a year since I started reading your blog. Wow. Happy Birthday, little man!
Isn't it crazy how fast they grow?!? He is sooooo cute though...
Happy Birthday to your adorable little monkey man! :) Hope it's FAB!
Happy Birthday, cute little Jasper!
I can't believe he's already 1! Time just seems to keep flying by.
It's so amazing how a person on the earth for such a short time can make you feel like they have been a part of you forever.
Happy birthday, baby!
Oh, look at those cheeks! Happy Birth Day, little man. My birthday was just two days ago and my little man's THIRD (how can it be three already) birthday is next week.
Ah happy birthday! What a beautiful child both as a baby and a one year old.
Those rosy cheeks! I bet everyone who sees him can't resist pinching them!
Oh, that picture is adorable.
Happy Birthday to Jasper!
Dear Jasper,
Happy Birthday! Now that you're one could you please stop growing up so fast? Pretty please?
Love and kisses,
(OMG, the hair! And the cheeks! And the nose! Must. Chew. Them.)
(Not the hair though.)
(Actually, will stop at cheeks. Nom nom nom.)
(Happy birth day, Mama.)
What a beautiful, beautiful boy! Happy birthday to both of you! =)
Happy Birthday to Jasper - he's really cute (and that's from someone who's not really a "baby" person). I hope he has a great day - I have (I turned 40 today!)!
Best birthday wishes! Enjoy!
Aww, Happy Birthday to little Jasper. I always have baby birthday meltdowns, the first being the worst. Hang in there!
Happy birthday to your adorable boy.
Oh my gosh, its already a year! happy birthday little man!
Sweet pictures! Happy Birthday Jasper!
Happy Birthday my sweet little Jay-Man.
My heart squeezes with excitement to know that I get to smear big auntie smooches all over your dirty little face in just a few days.
Don't break my heart by not remembering me, dude. Or I'm going to have to get your sister to sit on you.
Love your favourite Redneck Aunty.
Wow, he is mighty tasty looking! I may fight Tania for his cheeks.
Happy 1st birthday Jasper!
Happy Birthday to you J-man! May your year be filled with fabulousness beyond your wildest dreams (and since you haven't been around long the bar is pretty low *wink*)
Much love to you Catherine on this bitter sweet day. (((hugs)))
Awesome pics! Happy Birth Day Jay-man
awww hes so adorable! happy birthday jasper!
Oi, my heart.
His face matches his diaper butt.
In the best, ferociously cute, way.
Happy Birthday handsome Jasper! Congrats, HBM, on surviving his first year. :)
Happy belated birthday Jasper! You are utterly delicious.
(And congrats to you, C. You are utterly delicious too.)
And think of all the places that little baby has been already this year. I mean, what baby gets to claim that they were changed out on the sidewalk in Nashville? Well... maybe half of Nashville... okay, so what little baby from Canada gets to say that? Jasper does!
Happy birthday, Jasper and love to you Catherine!!
I don't think they get any cuter than that!
What a beautiful boy with a wonderful name. I'm preggo with our last babe and Jasper AND Jesper are on our list.
Happy Birthday Jasper!
May you have a long and prosperous life filled with joy.
That's a sweet photo!
It's amazing how fast they grow. One minute, they are these sweet, snuggly newborns...and then, in the next instant, they're running around and soaking in the world with eager curiosity.
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