Feels and Squeezes...
...'Cause you know that's what they really want, right?
Yep, it's time for the Dad-Blogger Totally Manly Handshake/Laddish Back-Pat/Hey Buddy Shout-Out.
Featuring the It's Not Easy Being Green Dancers!
Are we on yet?
But first, by way of introduction, a reflection on the Mommy-Blogger Love-In (thereby allowing HBM to jam last week's forgotten Weekly Squeeze in here)...
When I put the call out for posts celebrating mama-bloggers, I was hoping that it would provoke reflection about what makes this community (YES) and its members so great. That it would give us all pause to consider why we blog, in the fullest sense of participating in this community as both writers and readers. That it would cause us to look around and recognize the tremendous awesomeness surrounding us. That it would make us feel good.
And, that it would allow us all to indulge in some shameless link-whoring. 'Cause in my view, there ain't nuttin' wrong with that. We all got a little blog slut in us - let's embrace it. Sluts are fun.
So while all us blog-sluts were frolicking with our links, I noticed two things. First, that there were very few - until recently, NO - male participants. I realize that this was a Mommy-Blogger Love-In, but that didn't preclude guys from shouting out to the moms that they read. I know that they're reading, and I know that they like us. And doesn't every guy like parties where the girls all hug and tickle and get drunk and all kissy-faced? Still, I understand if this whole Love-In thing seemed to involve too much estrogen. It might have felt too much like putting on a dress. I get that.
But this lead me to the second thing: despite the hormone-gassing estrogen levels surging throughout the posts, there was still the occasional pause to consider the men. Mostly Dutch from Sweet Juniper, who is, according to some, a Mommy-Blogger in Dad's clothing. This, in any case, was the assertion of Mo-Wo, in her post 'Eclectic Kool-Aid Acid Test [Pattern]' (this would get prize for best title, if I was awarding such prizes), and Melanie in Orygun said much the same thing.* (As it happens, I also talked about Sweet Juniper in my own shout-out post. But I was shouting-out to Wood, not Dutch.)
(Hey. If Dutch is the Mommy-Blogger at Sweet Juniper, does that make Wood the Daddy-Blogger? Does that sort of thing go over in Detroit?)I think that Dutch's possible status as a Drag Mom raises some important, or at least interesting, questions about what constitutes manliness in the blogosphere. (Is it possible to be manly while waxing poetic about your family in a public forum? Would one have to include stories about bullfighting and deep sea fishing to really man a blog up? In my opinion, no, but I tend to to be too literal about these things. I'd begin from the ancient Roman ideal of manliness - which is the root of our term virtue [vir is Latin for man] - and work up through the weakening of that ideal of manliness by Christianity, and on towards Rousseau's bourgeois man before turning to Hemingway and such figures as Michael Landon as Pa Ingalls [here I would be indebted to Dutch.] Finally, I would consider whether Dave Eggers can be considered to be manly, especially in comparison to Dog the Bounty Hunter, who may or may not be manly, depending upon where one stands on the issue of overcompensation with regards to manliness. After all of this, we might have an operating definition of manliness to work with.)
(Loves me this subject. Takes up a goodly amount of space in my dissertation.)
But, as always, I digress. Considerations of manliness in the blogosphere will have to be left for another day. (Men? Care to take me up on these questions?)
For the moment, our business is celebrating Dad-Bloggers, regardless of whether they are manly or only sorta manly or metrosexual (can one be manly and metrosexual?) or totally girly. And so we have...

Are we done? Can I break his legs now?
TO Momma's get-together!
So it looks like Friday, June 30th is our day. (Not everybody can make these date, I know, but no fear - this will only be the first of many!) The plan so far is this: a daytime gathering in the park with the babes, and reconvening for an evening drink after babes have been put to bed/to sitters/to husbands. Parks have been narrowed down to Dufferin Grove (central) and Withrow (east side). Cast your votes now (leave a comment here or e-mail me), and let me know if you plan to join us for one or the other or both gatherings (day and/or evening). Precise details will be posted once settled, in a few days.
All are welcome (and no - since some of you have asked - you don't absolutely need to have a baby.) Looking forward to meeting you!
It has been my Father's Day resolution to begin reading more daddy blogs, and I'm proud to say I've added three to my Bloglines feeds - Cynical Dad, mr. nice guy (who is freaking hilarious), and a new one - Simply SAHD.
Dads rule. I'm so lucky that my girls have such an awesome daddy. HBM, thanks again for spreading the love.
The interesting thing about the daddy blogs is that they're all written by a very diverse group of individuals who are redefining what it means to be both a man and a father today. The fact that we can gush profusely or wax eloquently on the sheer love of our kids should in no way make us any less of a man. Hell, I probably spend more money on hair products than most mommy bloggers out there. Does that make me less of a man? (That's a rhetorical question.)
Besides, it's been pretty well documented that the rough-and-tumble Papa Hemingway model of parenting left much to be desired.
(By the way, I never read a lot of Hemingway but I know I can pretty much sum up everything he wrote by saying: men are men, women are women, drinking is good, lions are dangerous.)
In that vein, let me just say that (as you know) I'm an avid reader of both mommy AND daddy blogs. I love hearing the different perspectives. I love the way they each express their love for their kids. And I love hearing about how they deal with various issues of parenting. Yes, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But let's always remember that those two planets are closer together than the distance between the the sun and the moon (ok, I totally made that up and I don't even think it's true. But like I always say, never let the truth get in the way of a good metaphor.)
Anyway, I'm loving this discussion that you're having on your blog, HBM. Not only do I find it very interesting, I think you offer an awesomely unique perspective on it all. I'm very glad to have found you lately and look forward to reading much more. And on behalf of all daddy bloggers out there, thanks for shining a light on our tiny corner of the blogosphere. You rock!
Hey Dutch! They called you a Drag Mom! Hahhaha! I laughed so hard at that moniker that Pink Zinfandel came out my nose! I'm never going to let you live that one down. But you know I love you, MAN!
I feel so guilty and shameful commenting on Kermit and the Wonderbaby when there is such good content in the post, but I can't help it - the 2nd and 3rd photos are classics! Worthy of framing. I don't know how you caught those shots, hats off!
OK, back to the meat of the post. This particular post is going to be a reference guide for me. Witnessing - be it reading, seeing, hearing - men as loving fathers is highly appealing to me these days. I'm just such a lazy surfer/lurker, so thanks for the directory.
I didn't have time to write him a tribute, but I'd like to add an awesome dad blog written by Kurt, of http://kurtandsandy.blogspot.com.
I had the hardest time reading what you wrote because the pictures are just so darn CUTE, I had to keep scrolling down to see more!!!
Me too, Lindsay! The pictures are absolutely precious.
And I'm drooling over how many daddy blogs you listed...I can't wait to read them!
(Great new layout by the way! I love green!!!)
Ok, a) I want that frog. Where did you get him..
and b) I wish I could come to the mommy blog-a-paloza....But I won't be in town. Sigh...I can't beleive I'm going to miss it...
Next time, next time!!!
Amazing photos. Apparently you are saying it isn't easy being dad.
Well, I am in Vancouver on Friday June 30th.
But, here is an offer. Next time, I can come and watch all the babies (ok, maybe 5 at a time) while mommies can talk in the park.
I loooooooove WonderBaby :D
Man, I so wish I lived in Canada...not only for the free healthcare, but so that I could join your blogger gathering.
Those kermit photos....could they BE any cuter?
The new template...lovin' it.
Your daddy linkies...awesome. I've been needing to branch out to the opposite sex.
Thanks for another great post!
I will so totally be sending you a link to a daddy-shout-out when the cloud of an impending crash is lifted from my computer... for now, please add these two sites to the list:
Dad vs Dad (http://www.dadvsdad.blogspot.com/)
Poop & Boogies
Two sites I found independently of each other then realized they've got more in common than just being daddy bloggers! Great sites, both of 'em... but that will all be said in my post (rather than taking up your comment space here!). Thanks for extending this love-in idea to include the guys!!!
Ahh, man, I'm having a garage sale on the 30th and the 1st, there's no way I can make it. Maybe the next one (Expedia is only a click away, you know).
And I've got a LOT of reading to do.
Come on! The Friday of A LONG WEEKEND?
NOOOOOOooooooooooooooooOOOOOooooo! I'm leaving the city for that weekend to explore God's green country with the lakes, and the sunsets, and the forests.
I want to be at the inaurgral t dot bloggers meeting, but the friday of a long weekend? For real?
Now I go and mope elsewhere.
I'll be at the next one at least.
PS- I have never once read a dad blog. Wait, I think I visited MetroDad one time. That's it though. Maybe it's time to branch out.
I can probably make both outings.
My vote is for Withrow park.
So many dads ... so little time! Thanks for the reading :)
Oh and those kermit photos - THE CUTEST!
I have meetings on the 30th during the day but could make an evening get together or depending on the timing of your park, I could stop by breifly but my son is in day camp so I'll be sans kids. Looking forward to it.
Good reads, great pictures...now I'm off to explore a few of your sugggestions.
Awww, thanks for the linkage! Nice to know that the "bloggers-who-are-also-moms" community appreciates the menfolk (both stay at home and otherwise) who spout off about our families.
I had a hard time at first. Mostly because I didn't think I'd earned the Daddyblogger badge -- but then I realised that there isn't a test. (Somehow that seemed more prophetic as it rolled off my fingertips. Weird.)
My husband has a blog. He's still working on the manly thing. He's occasionaly starting to blog about my daughter and family life. He's workin on it. =o)
How in the heck did you get Wonderbaby to pose like that? I loved those pics!
kfk - she's a poser. Just put her down somewhere and she'll bust a move.
How fortuitous! On Friday June 30, I will be in Vancouver performing my drag show at the Dufferin Pub! From what I hear, that's not far from Dufferin Groves. You ladies should really stop by, my show involves manlactation, sling-removal stripping, nipple-pad pasties, blindfolded diaper changing, and giving dirty looks to that old Chinese nanny over there who's 2-year old charge just knocked my baby off the rocking horse. "Oh no she di-ant!"
Oh my god, so many sweet links to check out.
I wish I could but I can't make the get-together. Keep me posted on further happenings, because like I said, I'm not in Toronto but I'm not all that far.
Gots me some daddy surfin to do!
I'm loving the It's Not Easy Being Green Dancers. I can't help but wonder if my children would feel slighted if my desktop background featured one of these adorable shots.
Even though the 30th happens to be our wedding anniversary, I want to be there.
I take issue that Dutch is a mommyblogger. I think he's sort of a cross between MetroDad and Greg at Daddytypes - he loves his kid and he loves his toys. Sounds like a dad to me.
Not that there's anything wrong with being a mom. Of course.
I like that term...BLOG SLUTS!! I would like to read some daddy blogs..so thanks for the refs.
awesome. i need to check out Sweet Juniper, clearly.
Another one that I forgot, and enjoy (and I think you will too) is http://suburbdad.blogspot.com/
(confessions of a community college dean). he writes about academic life, but also about his family (see today's post for a giggle).
Wow - that MetroDad sure can get wordy, huh? I'd love to just say ditto to what he did say, but I did read Hemingway...a lot..and well, I don't use hair care products...often.
Thanks for the Daddy Blog love - much appreciated. You'll have to excuse me now, I need to go write a check out to Sarah.
I. Did. Not. Need. Anymore. Blogs. To. Read.
But since the great daddy blog shout out began i've been checking out the dads hard core. There is something sexy about a guy who loves his kid, that is fo' sho.
And now I don't have anytime to clean my house, because I'm reading a lot more blogs. Oh well.
Sadly missed here is my ABSOLUTE fave Defective Yeti http://www.defectiveyeti.com/ - I have such a huge bloggy crush on him. In the from-afar kind of way, of course...
And as for a T.O. hook-up on the 30th, count me in. I'll be the one looking relaxeed and uncomfortable at the same time. It's a gift, it's true.
Thanks for mentioning my site. My wife and kids are what define me and my stories, so there's always lots to talk about in my little corner of the world.
I read a wide variety of blogs - humor, daddy and mommy blogs included. I find that women especially have an extra fine-tuned sarcasm (what they're calling "snarkiness" these days?) that cracks me up.
i do have some concerns about the manliness of blog-dads. I read the precious post of Laid of Dad on the Mommyblogger crossroads Father's day essay specials and had to say this:
"Promise me you modern Dads won't get soooo sensitived up as to completely trash the tense affections of the Dads of yore. With all the hugging and actualization I do get a bit freaked that no 'modern' kids will experience the gravity of this sort of approval."
For next Father's Day I would love to see all the Dads on this list do a post for their Dads. Not, all about their love for their Dads but as a warp item... 'If my 68 year old Dad was posting on my blog today, it would go like this... "
ps.. thanks for all the attention, blush. You know I did do up that title with your wordsmith ways in mind; thanks tons for noticing. blush. blush
When a mommy blogger and a daddy blogger love each other very much they link together and it's a very wonderful thing.
OK - the It's Not Easy Being Green Dancers ROCK!
I'm sad that I can't make the TO mom get together (very very sad) but I will be there next time (oh there will be a next time). Going to the in-laws for Canada Day weekend *sigh*.
I'm glad you introduced all these great dad blogs... now if I could just get some more time to surf! ahhhh!
Mom-101: I totally agree that Dutch is not actually a mommyblogger. (He uses urinals, for one.) If he's a mommyblogger, most dad-bloggers are mamas, too... they do all share (and express) a deep love for their children, which as Wordgirl said, is abotu as masculine as you can get. Short of expressing your love for your children while chasing down bail jumpers, like Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Those big beautiful eyes! Did Kermit survive for the rest of the shoot?
Thanks to you I have expanded my reading list yet again. Daddytypes was actually one of the first sites I ever visited, as the Hub is a fan. F-Bomb was also great, though I think the author is writing more for Rice-Daddies now-a-days.
Um, are you taking pics of the Momma's get-together? I'd like to live vicariously through y'all till I can get out for a night of debauchery myself. At least have a drink for me. And let me know what it was later.
Your writing is wonderful, the pictures are brilliant. I only wish that I'd found you sooner, but now I'm here to stay. And thanks for passing along MD's shout out.
What a great shout out to the Daddy Blogs. I don't read all of them, but I have been known to read (ie: lurk) around. I am a slut that way. Thanks for all your great writing.
The pictures are beyond adorable.
Too bad I live in Detroit because it would be great to put faces to a lot of the blogs I read.
amazing pictures
Have you checked out Left of the Dial? He cracks me up. http://scottpeterson.typepad.com/leftofthedial/fambly/index.html.
Loved the Kermie pix!
Whoops, I messed up that link, didn't I. Idiot.
Left of the Dial
For God sakes-those pictures! Those pictures!
You're awesome.
Thanks for the shout-out! Appreciate it, truly. What I find interesting since becoming a dad is that all the other dads I've come to know (online and in - gasp - person) are all devoted completely to their kids.
The abusive, uninvolved fathers - are they becoming extinct? I hope so.
Love your site! Have you checked out
yet? He's great!
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