You Are The Cheese

We're, what, only two and a half weeks into Lent? And WonderBaby has already broken her vow to abstain from imitating the Pope.
In the hungover fog that was yesterday, I completely forgot to acknowledge the wonderfulness that is this whole Thinking Blogger Award thingie. I mentioned it the other week, when I thanked OTJ, Mom-NOS and Kyla for their awesometasticness in naming me a Thinking Blogger. But then came the ever-fabulous Punditmom and my good friend Mad Momma with more thinky-linky love, and I realized that I have been woefully, unforgivably remiss in not paying this forward.
For this, I apologize. To the entire parent blogosphere, and beyond, because the whole damn thing - the whole damn lot of you - make me think. Which is saying something, because after more than a decade of studying philosophy, a few years teaching philosophy, and two and half years practicing the mostly (mostly) unphilosophic art of wrangling a WonderBaby, you'd think that I'd be pretty much mind-numbed. But no, far from it: every evening, after the nightly post-structuralist deconstruction of the works of Margaret Wise Brown, and after setting aside my dog-eared copies of Machiavelli's la Mandragola, Rousseau's Emile and Vanity Fair (Graydon Carter, not Thackeray), I turn not to the sweet oblivion of reality television - I turn to you. (Okay, most nights I turn to you.) And you always, unfailingly, make me think.
I've lost track of who has or hasn't been tagged with one of these awards. You all deserve one, and so I hate narrowing it down. But it seems to me that the men of the mom'n'poposphere have been seriously under-represented in these awards, and so I'm going to direct my attentions to them: AdventureDad, MetroDad, DadGoneMad (whose original post at the Blogfathers about his daughter's turbo-shit started me thinking early and often about the joy that is the shit of our offspring and remains, for me, the gold standard of potty philosophy), Laid-Off Dad and, of course, Dutch of Sweet Juniper. These were the first dad-bloggers on my bloggy reading list, and they remain on that (ever-growing, ever-crowded) reading list, because they never fail to make me laugh or think or - best - both.
Thanks, guys. WonderBaby salutes you:

You are the cheese.
(Don't think too long about that.)
ooh, if noone beats me to the publish button, i am number one. this means i'm up too late, and should go to bed.
good picks, all of these thinking gentlemen.
Oh that Pope hat reminds me that I'm a lapsed Catholic and have forgotten the proper name for such garb.
The Pope hat stands alone.
The cheese stands alone.
Wonderbaby is so aptly named. Love the cheese photos. What a gorgeous baby!
I would feel much better about the Church if WonderBaby were in charge.
Hello people.. Did you know? I recently got a brand new shiny dot com domain name! =)
Would you be so kind to change the links from to ?
Thanks a million!
Could you ask WonderBaby if we might change the Church's rule regarding the use of 'artificial' birth control? Not that I follow it anyway, I just think it's woefully archaic.
oh wonderbaby is so precious...she sure does love her some cheese huh?
Good thinking you thinky-blogger, you. Dads need some Kudos too.
Damn. Must not let my daughter see this over my shoulder. Cannot let on that there is yet another craft mama can't do. Paper hats. Curses!
Hooray for thinking women! Hooray for thinking men! And hooray for that photo of Wonderbaby as the Pope which will surely go down as one of your all time favorites ever in the world for all of eternity.
Wow, Wonderbaby is a wonder at oragami already! I'm jealous.
What is the concept of "thinking" you speak of? Wait, I remember it - it was the thing I did before I had Bumper. Thanks for reminding me that I'm still able to do it (just on less sleep). No seriously, thank you for stimulating the ol' synapses with the posts.
You don't need me to tell you what a gorgeous little thing Wonderbaby is, now do you?
Hey, got something else for you too. I'm trying to get the word out about my new website on television and celebrities. Come see, really, come check it out!
I agree the dads are underrepresented, and did include one in my list! Also, can you let us know when you're going to start marekting that fabulous chapeau!? Thanks for the link!
Well, that makes you the big cheese, right? ;) Congratulations!
*I* nominated Dad Gone Mad, b'yatch. Ha! Hahahahaahahah!!!!! No one can say I'm not looking out for the white jewish male, no sireeee.
heh. This may be a double post. If so, sorry. Nevertheless, you're worth praising twice! I just found your blog and am intrigued, especially by your bedside reading and your gorgeous little person.
Yikes, go away for a few days...
I am still laughing about the ABC's. And the deep questions, maybe later in the week when the laundry mountain is a little lower. And cheese on the head, mine liked to stick their Mum-Mums on. I miss those days sometimes.
Those fellas are good thinkin' yes.
And, just you wait. Wait until you ride the bus with a two year old who volunteers to everyone in earshot of the courtesy seats ... "I'm not the pope!"
The filipina's roll their eyes. you blush and laugh all at once. or you're not Catholic?
Thanks for the kind words. Being saluted by WonderBaby beats the Pope by miles:-))
All hail wonderbaby, glorious wearer of hats sacred and profane.
Wonderbaby as the Pope, genius!!
Even though cheese makes some people constipated and...others...well...have to suffer the tragic consequesnces of being lactose intolerant? I'll take that Cheese Award anyway. Even though I'm not cool enough to be at SXSW and my cousin's daughter works as an intern there and I live a scant three hours' drive. I'll take the cheese.
Mmm. Impressive folding going into that PopeyHat.
Thanks for the compliment. And I'd just like to say that you are, as always, the true thinking man's woman, Catherine. Yours is one of the few voices that really does make me think and I love the courageousness of your brilliant mind.
And need I say anything about the unbelievable cuteness of WonderBaby?
no baby, YOU da cheese!
First -- YOU are da cheese!
2nd -- LOVE, love, LOVE the pope hat!
When I was in HS, around Lenten time...I'd see kids with a dot on their forehead and didn't know if they knew that they had a black mark on their forehead. What do I know being a Buddhist all my life. It's a good thing I didn't open my big mouth and tell one of them to wipe that black mark off of their forehead.
Mitre. The pope hat is a mitre.
Looks better on the baby.
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