Pho-ning it in...
I had, I promise you, all manner of fascinating anecdote and deep thought to share with you this weekend, but I am, simply, TOO TIRED.
So you will just have to make do, for today, with this little piece of WonderBaby trivia: her current favourite food - preferred over such adored, but lesser, delicacies as blueberries, yogourt, cheese (old cheddar), tofu and cake - is pho. With chopsticks.

Moments later, she lifted the bowl and attempted to slurp all of the brothy goodness from the bottom, most of which ended up pouring down her front and into her diaper instead. A messy but noble effort.
Why am I sharing this? No reason. I can wring no special significance, no commentary on childhood or parenting or culture, from this particularly piece of trivia. There is no obvious poetry here, no obvious point of departure for philosophic reflection on the beautiful mess that is babyhood, childhood, family.
Just this baby, this mess, this joy. A snapshot, or three, of these.
That's all, for now.
I am in love with her t shirt. That is freakin' hilarious. Also? Pho's good food (if you don't get the kind with tendon- blech) Your baby is pretty damn good with chopsticks-- mine would have had that thing all over himself and the floor in two seconds flat.
Yum yum Pho. I love Pho. I had no idea babies loved Pho. Much less ate it with chopsticks. She is a very talented wonderbaby.
Seeing WonderBaby with utensils made me teary - evidence of how big she's getting.
This is a most precious group of photos! LOVE them.
Looks like good soup if she's diving in that deep. Awesome.
One of my favorites as well, but funny I hadn't even though of introducing it to kiddo yet. I'm sure she'd like it thoug, as most soups ar a hit.
Pictures of Wonder Baby are always welcome, in fact I only come here to look at the pictures (just kidding).
Excellent, noodley goodness.
Get some sleep!
and, sometimes, that's all you need. :) this set of three is adorable (and the shirt!!).
have a *good* sleep!
I'm very impressed by the chopsticks!
Bad. that's pho out. pho sure.
you two. you three. noodles and all.
Lovely Pho-to. WonderBaby is so Pho-togenic.
i think that baby, that mess, and that joy are plenty. for now and for always. :)
Love that baby. She's doing quite well with those chopsticks.
I wish SF would eat something other than cream cheese and crackers...
You got Wonderbaby to eat Pho! Nice!
Great shirt. At first glance, the logo seems simply delusional. Then, on second thought, it seems frighteningly Obi Wan Kenobi. Then you look again. Where'd the baby go? Darn Jedi mind tricks.
Since no one thus far has made the comment, I will.
Aside from the cuteness, the pho, the awe-inspiring wonder that is, well, Wonderbaby, I was most struck by the irony, at least knowing what we know of you, of her wearing a wrestling shirt.
Look at that clever thing! Any of mine would also have had it in their hair, on the floor, over the cat ...
hehe those are awesome! Our toddler always tries so hard to work with chopsticks!
You've got one talented tot there! The determination is awesome. As is the t-shirt.
Now I want some noodles...
Rooster's current favorite is FAR less healthy than that...
Wonderbaby has better success with the chopsticks than me.
That is just sad for me....
oh how cute! love the idea of babies with chopsticks & food. Mine always tried to poke someone's eyes out. :)
Cute, cute, cute. Pho is a lot nicer than what's landing in Miss Baby's diaper lately.
Anyhow. Don't be too hard on yourself. Or hard at all. Sometimes life is just a series of normal snapshots, non? Socrates can wait his turn.
OK, Wonderbaby is now using chopsticks, and my two year old still can't use a spoon. Something is clearly wrong here.
But what I really wanted to point out was how amazing that WB is suddenly looking so much like a little kid and less like a baby! Must be all that new hair growing in, but she's really starting to look toddler-ish, and it's adorable.
Where are you getting Pho these days? Pho Linh on College is pretty good. Had Golden Turtle's (on Ossington, not St. Clair) on the weekend - not so good. BTW, have you seen the swank joint on Dundas at Brock? Looks alright...
Joy and mess can be good!
The swank joint at Dundas and Brock is AMAZING...the broth is sooooo tasty.
And my little one's been working the chopsticks, too. It's so funny but I'm also really excited to see her try.
Great shots!
yeah what tania said where's the pho from?
also love the shirt
can I get you to be my personal shopper?
Tania, Lisa... this particular bowl of pho was acquired at Pho-Mi Tri Ky Noodle House (Dundas and Pacific). YUM.
The shirt is awesome, yes, and I WOULD make an excellent personal shopper (baby apparel category only), but this particular shirt was a gift.
Awesome! And the t-shirt is one I have to acquire for my cat, as my kids are just a little bit too old to think they have me fooled. Although I don't know, as they are 11 and 14, so I'll ask them if it would be funny or not. Certainly our cat would be perfect for that shirt, assuming I could get a shirt on our cat. I mean, without a trip to the emergency room.
Pho does not exist in this Dojo. Seriously, can I envy people who live in a place with real restaurants more?
Anyway, I tried to comment a few nights ago when Blogger was being all Crane-kicked to the head stupid. Alls I was going to say is this: if a simple and endearing anecdote about a child ever becomes too small a subject to blog about, then I'll be waxing off this blogosphere faster than you can say "get outta dodge."
OK, I have now mixed so many metaphors and cultural references that I should be well and truly hog-tied. Later.
That's kah-ray-zee! I don't even eat pho! LOVE the chopsticks. LOVE.
We took Henry out to eat the other night--his first time 'at the table' as it were. I was so proud to watch him shove pasta and red sauce into his face.
Even more so since Grandma was giving him the bath that night!
where did you find the muthe sucker shirt?
I'm not even sure I would know what a non-messy meal would look like at this point.
Oh my word. I LOVE that she loves pho!
(but sorry you're so tired! That is no fun!)
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